GEPS – Grup Excursionista Santfeliuenc



We have it here!!!!! Avalanche begin shipping!!!! 😉
What to do ?

Send 3 max pictures (minimum 2 Megapixels) and choose the category that is presented each.

VERY IMPORTANT : indicate photo captions, where have, your name, direction, telephone and e eletronic.


  • Humps in Action: Photos related activity hiker and / or sports: mountaineering, escalation, BTT, trekking, via ferrata, Kayak, canyoning, curses, raids, etc.
  • NATURE: Photographs generally related to the natural environment, which can not include any person portrayed.
A On??

* E-mail to:
* CD or USB memory at the headquarters of humps

Fins al 20/11/2016
No espereu fins l’últim dia 😉

(For more information please read the rules)

Concurs Bases

1) Participants

Any shareholder may participate in @ humps.

2) Categories and themes

The overall theme of this contest is to photograph all aspects: humans, Sports, natural, etc. There will be two different categories:

Humps in Action: Photos related activity hiker and / or sports: mountaineering, escalation, BTT, trekking, via ferrata, Kayak, canyoning, curses, raids, etc.
NATURE: Photographs generally related to the natural environment, which can not include any person portrayed.

3) Works

Each participant may submit a maximum of 3 works and choose the category you want to present them. Photo may only be submitted in one category. Photographs must be original and must not have been awarded in other contests.

The organizers reserve the right to exclude competition works that have been deemed, the discretion of the jury, highly manipulated.

The works remain the property of the authors and humps in cede their rights, to reproduce the image and make use as it sees fit.

4) Prizes

There will be prizes according to the following category:

1Filed r humps IN ACTION
2No humps Filed in Action
3Filed r humps IN ACTION

5) Format

Photographs may be in color or black and white. will format JPG and minimum resolution 2 Megapixels.

The organizing committee received photos automatically discarded that do not have the required quality, since there is no guarantee that the print quality required to have exposed the.

6) Delivery

The deadline for delivery of the photographs will be 20 November 2016

* E-mail to:

* CD or USB memory at the headquarters of humps (Ateneo Santfeliuenc C / Vidal Shores,23-25) every Thursday except holidays from 20:30 a 21:30h

Both the CD / USB and emails will include the name is, direction, phone, email, title and the photos have been taken place in the category and presented.

7) Jury

The jury will be composed of persons of worth in the world of photography and art connoisseurs and mountain. • The verdict is final appeal. The names of the jury members will be announced on the awards. The jury may declare any awards. The jury may resolve any circumstances not covered by these rules, • appeal is final and.

8) Verdict and Exhibition

The verdict and awards will coincide with the day of the Christmas dinner of the organization (16 December 2016).

Del total de fotos presentades a concurs es seleccionaran 25 que s’exposaran des del 16 December 2016 until (date to be determined) Bar at the Ateneo de Sant Feliu de Llobregat.

9) Responsibilities

Participants will be responsible that no rights of third parties and the entries that you can not make claims to image rights. Also be responsible for claims that may arise entities • Intellectual property rights Intellectual, to which participants may be assigned.

10) Bases

Participation in this photo contest implies acceptance of these rules.
The competition organizers reserve the right to modify any basis for this announcement, particularly regarding the dates of the exhibition and the verdict. En tot cas, Warned in advance of any changes via the website of the organization.

Animeu-vos i envieu les vostres fotografies!!!


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