GEPS – Grup Excursionista Santfeliuenc

Travessa of Montseny – 47km 2.400m -2.200m


Crashing head on over and strain

mechanically moving the path of the water

s'envé famous company alone,

l'anomenada “puta elite”, Forta with the hoarse.


While the company was not born

of us as representatives,

but other major corridors,

now we all deserve that name.


This time the crossing of the Montseny

brings together four of us brave humps:

“Txema Torete”, Villega, Alonso i Esteve

full of enthusiasm and little sense of.


Ens the quarter Surri ja ho will be dient:

“The crossing will be tough, i tot that

bon dioxide the complete molt, però bé that…

…than ever that veureu patireu worth of!


D'when matí, des de l'estació, with no,

undertake the journey asleep round.

In Txema says a pant puffs:

“at this time used to have a mix drink in hand”


In Aiguafreda even at night and with strong emotion

i fredor disfrutant of the partit comentant

(Cup final Barca d'Europe trionfant)

that was five hours on TV enjoyment with Gaudier.


Accelerated up the first hill of St. Martin,

soft and relaxed after the Plan as of Calm

eyes half closed and open heart and soul

welcoming as the morning sun.


Very proud I have repeated a hundred times

Matagalls the bare one day I

with a strong first day of my grandfather;

Never in my life like I uploaded both breast!


Going into the summit area of ​​Farreres

passing per Sant Marcal, rellamp of dissort,

Txema in putting down a pass from tort

and full picture of the knee against the stones.


“Ens not atabalem”, says that he knows what can.

“Make the climb of Acute without me;

when you find the support Surri patrolling path,

if not ell em puc amb stay”: They say the cap sentim cot.


Acute climbing to the end we find support:

the pseudo cim, in Surri; “Oh mestre has vingut”,

diem, the challenges: “A donar anims, complagut!”

At Txema, when arribi, in Surri lasted safely.


El Turó of Home esdevé, the camí, the inflections;

Jordi Alonso i the ho veuen, the strengths Meves minven,

The descent to Gualba encouraging me and tell me:

Esteve anims expects that Tiberi ens of Campio!


Gualba comes and wakes up happy are the Miriam,

acompanyada d'en Quesada, wait pacients

els four corredors, yes, but above and willing

Din El Famos premi, in precisament amanida d'enciam.


Dutxats ja has the form contemplem, al feel each veus,

not yet understood but fast materializing

-only he could do it- Finally worth even dying

the toughest route. “Txema, bull, als teus peus!!!”


So far from that crosses the piulada.






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