GEPS – Grup Excursionista Santfeliuenc

El goig striving for de Collserola


Any day…

This joke is different. Was dedicated to all those who run… the molt.

For there are some humps that run “animalades” as they say. Simply, for I, they do have an impressive credit. Jo crec (May es que no pot dir… i, Què Carai, hope is the last thing you lose, not?)… But, however, I do not think you can ever make such a “animalades”… és a dir, run “The Jerk” 80 km, 90 o 100km km… But, precisely when these are “animalades”, “bestieses” or ho com dir vulguin, landscapes tend to be incredible.

Many times I went with him to these feats… and believe me it was a jealous (healthy, but still envy) veia anirien on when to begin to run… Spectacular mountains, vists impressive, Corriols winding… i pujada of downstream… come and see it was the best: their faces were a mixture of tiredness and joy. Slowly marching fatigue… but the joy increased as they saw what they had done… Each minut, hours a day anava passant, happiness after finishing the race was growing…

Already, with my eyes “feel acompanyant”, I saw that the effort during the race, or fred that havien Patit, or the rain that had accompanied… ja no hi to… l'quedava Unic that was the satisfactions. I, with this mixture of feelings “vull fer 100km but not puc”, He sought to make nice places to run… I, for començar, aprop home.

I h comprovat this, s'està you motivat, anytime you can find a beautiful corner of nature around you. And so I started, fent un “petit i humil” Video Collserola… for an evening at the Rock the Moor can be, of vegades, As a cim d'spectacular two thousand meters…

Machines dedicated to running 5, 10, 50… i 100 km… i als this, faces in the run… però ho acabaran fent 😉

Video running the Goig per Collserola




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