LICENSES FEEC – FCE 12 December 2018 geps The file cannot be opened in your browser, because JavaScript is not enabled. Enable JavaScript and reload the page.PROCESSING AND LICENSES FEEC FCE - GEPSFEEC (Federació d'Entitats Excursionistes)FCE (Federació Catalana d'Espeleologia)Per a obtenir més informació consulteu el quadre de preus i cobertures al web i a in to Google, to save progress. Further information* Specifies a required questionNAME *My answerDAYS (12334456X) *My answerDATA NAIXEMENT (dd/mm/aaaa) *My answerCORREU ELECTRÒNIC *My answerMODALITAT LLICÈNCIA *ChooseFEEC A (hiking, walking, marches ... without crampons or ice axes. Spain, Pyrenees, Andorra i Portugal)FEEC B (hiking, walking, marches ... without crampons or ice axes. Spain, Pyrenees, Andorra i Portugal)FEEC C (B + Alpinisme, mountain, barrancs, escalation, snow shoes, via ferrata ... Morocco)FEEC D (C + Mountain Sky, alpine, background, Nordic, snowboarding, sled ... Everyone except polar areas > 7000m)FEEC E (D + polar expeditions and mountains over 7000m)FCE A (Spanish and French Pyrenees)FCE B (Europe and Morocco)FCE B + (All the world)Please see the table on the below link : FEDME or PLUS FCE *L'habilitació FEDME serveix per a obtenir descomptes als refugis de fora de Catalunya, L'habilitació PLUS FCE te mes coberturesYesNoFORMA DE PAGAMENT *EfectiuTransferènciaSendDelete all entriesNever share passwords with Google Forms.This content has not been created by Google and is not supported by Google. - Terms of Use - Data protectionDoes this form look suspicious? Bericht Formulation