GEPS – Grup Excursionista Santfeliuenc

X Photo Contest and Christmas Dinner


How well the tradition, this time we gather all hunchbacks to celebrate Christmas dinner and celebrated photo contest, which this year has 10 years!! (Thank organization!!)

As always we enjoyed a good time in good company and we were able to shout our already famous TONGOOOs to the winning photos 🙂

Nature Award: The sun never sets on the island of Senja. Steinsfjord, Island of Senja. Raül Gomez
1I humps in action award: Dead Calm. Maligne lake, Jasper National Park, Canada. Ana Montes
2where humps in action award: Powder als fiords vikings. Olafsjödur. Queralt Barley
3I humps in action award: Cold shower. Lodrino, Ticino, Swiss. Bernard Castells.

Here I leave to you could enjoy!

Mountain Merry Christmas!!

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