GEPS – Grup Excursionista Santfeliuenc

20 abril 2015

Refugi de Sorteny-Serra del Forn. 11 i 12 d’abril de 2015

Aquest cap de setmana ens hem escapat a la Vall de Sorteny. No aspiràvem a fer una sortida molt llarga per logística familiar, ni amb grans dificultats. Ens decidim per tornar a la Vall de Sorteny, on sabem que hi ha neu i al refugi no hi ha problemes per fer la reserva.
Pels que no hi heu estat, el Refugi està reformat des de fa un parell d’anys i és ample, amb calefacció, dutxes i per si fos poc, amb una trucada encarregues una fondue o una bona raclette.
Sortim dissabte per la tarda de l’aparcament. La pista té rastres de neu però insuficients per fer-la amb esquís, o sigui que fem una mica de drecera pel bosc i amb mitja horeta arribem al refugi.
L’esmorzar és a les 7:00, i hem quedat amb un company que ha dormit a l’aparcament amb la furgo que ens recull a les 7:30. Sortim ammb direcció Nord-est remuntant els prats sense neu uns 150 vertical meters, on ens calcem esquís i amb tota la calma arribem a un coll força marcat a la Serra del Forn, des d’on fem el Pic de Cebollera, esmorzem i ens pategem la resta de la carena, doncs cal esperar que la neu es transformi una mica.
La baixada és sostinguda però fàcil i amb una neu primavera que ens fa disfrutar…se’ns fa curt. Arribem al bosc, esquís a l’esquena i fins al refugi a fer una cerveseta, que amb la calor és el que entra millor.
NOTA: cal vigilar amb els tracks que es troben a la xarxa, doncs els noms dels cims estan bastant embolicats, en bona part, gràcies a que el nom no consta ni al mapa de l’Alpina ni al topogràfic 1:10.000 d’Andorra. El més clar de tots és el de la Cebollera, perquè té una gran fita de pedres al cim. L’altre cim destacat i proper és el del Salt i el Turó el Forn. LEs alçades en diferents cartografies tampoc concorden massa.

21 març 2015

Esquí de muntanya the Park Nazionalle Stelvio

One of the most active members recently, Raimon Serna, tells his adventure in the Italian Alps, no loss! Thanks Raimon!

Participants: David A, Xavi G, George G. Raymond S. and John B.

Ascent of Mount Cevedale with G. Zebrú fund. Photo of George G

Photo 1

The 5 to the 9 March we visit the Alps, the area of ​​the Stelvio National Park. Take a flight from Barcelona to Milan Malpensa airport and rental car to get to the parking of Rifugio dei Forni from where we climb the Rifugio Cesare Branch. The vol will bé, top spot, baggage goes all in record time. The road from Milan to Santa Caterina Valfurva but we need much more time than the distance (270 km) We did predict. Errors of itinerari out of Malpensa, heavy traffic in a single lane road and had to put chains to access the parking Forni will you come to the shelter at night Branch, when that dinner has already begun, despite having risen foquejant in less than an hour.

As is known in the area of ​​the Stelvio CEGESQUÍ offers many combinations of routes to ski: ascents and descents simple, round and round sleepers days. There is a dense network of shelters on 2000 m very comfortable and peaks over 3000 m with guaranteed snow: Pizzo Tresero 3.554 m, Punta San Matteo 3.678 m, Punta Cadini 3.524 m, Monte Viòz 3.645 m, Palon de la Mare 3.685m, Monte Pasquale 3.553 m, Monte Cevedale 3.769 m … The whole valley, glaciers and peaks are spectacular views and the "King" is the Konig Spitze (Gran Zebru 3.851 m). This time, but, the promise of snow quality is not met. Every day we have very hard or crusted snow skiing, wind and frost, with all kinds of ripples shaped by wind, which tests the legs and criteria for site selection step. The sections with snow "ski" are few and have to choose and take as much as we can.

The cause of the disorder is the wind in the snow, began to blow a few days before our arrival and still disturb us and oppresses, especially when we approach the summit ridges. The wind has shaped surfaces less snow slopes that are often defected surfaces comparable to a sea with waves. Moved wind and snow has accumulated and cornices slabs by far are suspected.

Our initial approach by 5 day was the first day up to dinner and sleep in the shelter Branch, the second day made an ascent of the many possibilities from this shelter and returned to the shelter Branch, the third day make the refuge branch crosses through some shelter Pizzini top (Monte Pasquale 3.553 m Mount Cevedale 3.769 m), the fourth day to make the ascent to high Zebru Pizzini refuge from the fifth day and turned the car doing Cime dei Forni ( 3.240 m) during the journey.

The end result to adapt to wind conditions varied slightly:

5/3/15: Parking shelter dei Forni (2.178 m)- Cesare Shelter Branch (2.492 m)

6/3/15: Cesare Shelter Branch (2.492 m) - Bivouac hut F. Meneghello (3.453 m)

We make a serious attempt to Punta San Mateo. A little further up the hill we discovered the existence of enduring shelter that had not seen the map and within which ganyipem safe Wind. Attempt the summit without skis along the edge but above the level 3.500 the wind behind us.

Photo 2

Punta San Matteo 3.678. Photo Raymond S.

Photo 3

Photo 4

Ascending towards the tip and fall Cadins. Photo John B.

7/3/15: Cesare Shelter Branch (2.492 m) - Shelter Pizzini Frattola (2.700)- Coll Pale Rosse (3.379 m)

The wind makes when leaving the shelter to make us stop crossing the peaks. Let the shelter Pizzini the bottom of the valley and then climb the Col de Pale Rosse feet past the Grand Zebrú. At this point we have assumed that the next day will not go up, remain pending again. No traces that nobody has risen recently and invited him up. According to a local guide who needed a few days to stabilize the snow. In the afternoon to take practical ARVA, that we discover that we needed, because some do not remember how our equipment or research strategies more effective.

Photo 5

Going to the Great Neck Pale Rosse Zebrù. Photo of George G.

Photo 6

Descent of the Col de Pale Rosse. Fot George G. (Photo 6)

8/3/15: Pizzini Refuge Frattola (2.700)- Monte Cevedale (3.769 m) - Monte Pasquale (3.553)

Photo 7

Going to M. Cevedale a 3.769 m.

Photo 8

Cim of Cedvedale to 3.769 m. Photo John B.

Photo 9

Going to Monte Pasquale. Photo Jordi.G.

photo 10

Cim at the Monte Pasquale in 3.553 m. Photos de David A. (Photo 10)

Great day, Today we top! The last piece of the edge of Cevedale climb on foot, although it is relatively flat. The summit gives us a splendid view of the Alps, we share a lot of skiers, it seems that today we all come over here. During the descent the most fanatical gang deviate and add the climb to Monte Pasquale.

9/3/15: Pizzini Refuge (2.700), Tops of Ovens (3.240 m) – Parquing Forni (2.178 m)

The last day is overcast but not windy and started the ascent time no light to see the relief, which the irregular surface of the snow is not very motivating. Only motivated make the climb, others decided to go pulling the parking. In past ten we're all in the car to begin the return trip.

photo 11

The Shelter Branch, very comfortable and well organized, on all input / output. Photo of George G.

18 març 2015
1 Comment

Tossa Plana de Lles

Tossa Plana Les 2.916m
Starting point: Ski background Lles de Cerdanya
Time: 3-4h ascent, 1:30 reduction.
Slope: 930m
Difficulty: ME-S2

With these data and forecasts about 5-10cm new snow humps a troupe of marching up early Saturday to Lles.

We arrived at the parking station one day exceptional background, we prepare and start output… Little, This thought, because before the guard tells us that to happen we have to pay a forfeit of € 2.50, intermingled in a small debate, but finally, if we want to reach the goal, we buy it. We argue that the access road not maintained council, but the station itself, així com el pàrquing i la resta d’instal·lacions. It is the first time that we pay to access a top, but also their explanations make sense, although we do not like them all.

We started to ski background, turn left following the GR 11-10 and then a path in the woods racket toward the shelter of Plane, Everything is beautiful after the snowfall yesterday evening. Chinese-Xano we move forward with changing day,now Cloud, Sun now, see the snow that falls below our…

When we're almost at the top of the time begins to worsen, sores on the feet of Albert, l'Ernesto, Sergio Noelia i ja Estonian fa seething, and suddenly disappears top, vent ago, fred… so we decided to do only when we turned around 100m from the target sports. Instead, personal goal is well fulfilled! Sortideta with 800m of altitude, beautiful scenery and good company!

Remove skins and start downloading. After the first shovel the sun back out and we can enjoy a fall in between the trees of the forest. Rowing and skating is just a bit of background tracks to get the car back.

In summary a nice exit to continue learning about the ski!

They deixem a small video of the day!

5 març 2015


Hunchback snow; definition of that individual being or, the fall of the first snowflakes, Skin puts you goose, makes an intensive study of all weather forecasts and websites already have the material ready for it to be released in the first shovel. Despite its high degree of obsession with snow, surprised everyone by his generous character and positive, able to share some days with classmates without there being the slightest hint of bad vibes, i tot that, sometimes, the plans do not go as planned. He also has great willingness to get everyone to be comfortable and feel at home, en with family.


Friday 20 February: At the 16:00h begin to track the first road car in Benasque. As we arrived at night where we, “Mountain School Benasque”, we are distributing room and go in search of the long-awaited welcome biretta. Although everyone would have agreed that their dinner, as were many and we went in different batch, the stars align, and finally end up having dinner together at the bar “The refuge”. Quina bona manera de començar la col·lectiva! Here we begin to see that we expected a very good weekend…

Saturday 21 February: At the 8:00h all occasional breakfast. Com passa a tota col·lectiva, it's time to leave and that there is still not clear what to do, mountain, tracks, Snowshoeing….really difficult to decide! Finally, choose to go all in Cerler 1500 and from there because we divide. The weather forecasts were bad, but still have the stars in our favor and just save the day, some even, skiing up to thirty.

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Heading back to the hostel, snowing, and showering quick to go to the outlet of Barrabes, essential visit quan going to Benasque, the biretta and to be able to comment on stories of the day, not have been few! still snowing…

At the 21:00h, still snowing, follow with great punctuality of all, maybe this time we also influences the hunger after a big snow day! We all grapple to eat and not yet spent time in charge of the kitchen fot us a shout, is not it nice to tell us that we are well educated, if not to say that we can be finished! we were all looking for unbelievers, but thinking…they do not know who they are talking! and thus, com som early example was seguir, If you do and no time we had left the room as we had done a paten and owners of living! First we make an overview of the situation and a little embarrassed us, but finally started to remove patxarans, natxarans and similar drinks and the party starts! Now we evicted! Still snowing….Finally fatigue seized us and we slowly making withdrawal, being the champions of the night just making angels in the snow, we already accumulated a good thickness! Tomorrow will be fun to get out!

Sunday 22 February: We woke with incredible scenery! I still snowing!!! almost half a meter of snow accumulated! has not stopped all night and still! If the previous day had doubts about what to do, still have it worse! but finally, After the putsch climb the slopes and the forecast is for an entry with wind gusts of more than 115 km/h, most sensible cars and we decided to go to a clearing session theoretical and practical simulation in case of avalanche. Many thanks to those who did you dedicate this time to teach the rest of hunchbacks! Really, a demonstration of friendship!

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without Heading 2







Once we Lessons urges, and then find all the simulations companions buried by avalanche, divide us and some were brave to make a caminadeta, blown hair, the valley, and others go direct to Castejon de Sos to make a biretta while we eat lunch on the Hotel Pyrenees menu as if the end of the world! My mother eats like these people from the north!

Start time to say goodbye up, was a weekend full of joys and emotions. Really great moments we lived together and do not want to end, but life is so hard and does everything that is good, runs! But never say goodbye if humps until the next!

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Moltíssimes gràcies a tots els que veu compartir aquesta Col·lectiva d’hivern 2015! I wish you a lot of encouragement to Santi for recovery, hopefully soon to return to war!

You are all great! Ja tenim ganes que arribi la propera col·lectiva geperuda!

The video here!!

Health and mountains!


23 February 2015

7Race to the Taps – 12 April 2015

The next day 12 April 2015 celebrate the 7th edition of the Half Marathon taps in Sant Feliu de Llobregat. 21 km de muntanya, i 1639 meters and slope, a fun and exciting journey for Collserola. Recordeu que també es farà la Marxa Solidària amb col·labració amb Sant Joan de Déu. You will find all the info on this link


Volunteers you want to point to lend a hand you can do in this form

Finally, remind you that celebrate two training day 14 i 28 March. If you'd like to join in you can do this form.

10 February 2015

Via Grandes Jorasses in Slovenia, joke, fotos i video!

Better late than never, and that a few months ago we did the track. It all starts with a message which says Albert undo all plans of the bridge of the day, we go together with Ramon in the Grandes Jorasses to Slovenia. Before a proposal is so clear that I did botifler…


We had fresh information through the blog Gastón Alfonso who had made 5 days before and mail it to Ramon replied quickly with a spectacular. Nothing, purchase quickly and gas to reach the Chamonix on Thursday afternoon.

Quick visit to the Maison de la Montagne, preparar material i cap a Montanvers, where we arrive at 15:00.


At the 20:30 we arrived at the foot of the wall to prepare bivouac and snow melt. The views could not be more impressive, 1000m is a wall in front of us plantificava, impressive and I was a little knot in the stomach before such Murallón. And the fact is that ice is where I fish more, was actually the third time stung ice… cowards never said anything it XD.

At the 3 morning the alarm sounds, semper routine, snow melt and a sandwich. The purpose 5 not overcome the Rimay. We climbed to the right of the road to make a left flank. From up here. Albert all the time first, s'acaba sortir la corda i play in assembly. And so on sticking around the liver in order to follow him. This man never tires!!!

Our objective was clear, get up to the light to be able to rappel with minimal light. And so it was, after 14 hours we came up with light but snowing… you can not have everything.




From here begin rappelling down the south face, now in Italy. The third abseil is at night, which means that we are a long time to make the last two. Finally the 22:00 Midnight overcome the south side of the Rimay. You no longer commit himself nor pets.

Melt neu dojo, a pair of sopinstants, a sandwich and hats. At the 00:00 start down towards the shelter Boccalatte. We started to flip the edges down and decide stringing us. Once you see that the edge in half would have been better to stay in bed where we had dinner. We decided that the first half decent you a bivouac. And so on 3:00 Paraben half edge.




At the 7:30 there is no light in the morning. Image from the sac can not be more spectacular with integral front Peuterey. Only this time it was worth the trip. Cappuccino, Cookies and down. 3 hours later we arrive finally at Courmayeur where we take the bus to cross the tunnel Montblanc.
With the nonsense we have more than 3000m of negative slope!



Albert gives us a beautiful picture fused with a tender hug backpacks. Ramon and I are going to make a cola for the people as if we were walking the robocop.
Back in Chamonix we celebrate the Pocoloco a burger size Everest.


We bring the light of aliens, Camalots 0,75 to the 2, 3 Pythons varied, i 10 screws. A great company with a great track.

Thanks to Albert and Ramon to take me well sites (video).

29 gener 2015

Sima Pouetons Agulhas - Montserrat

After the discovery of the chasm deluge caving Geologists (espeleodiluvi) where more than one stick a cold , this time played really caving to the advancement of the Acute Pouetons (-123m) under the massive conglomerate of Montserrat to New year is just beginning.


For the expedition contàvem the exploration team formed by Cris, Ramon, Bernat, Raimon, Paco and I (Natxo).

After trying to locate Raymond heaven and earth unsuccessful, thinking that the night has confused the number one ballaruques, Pallejā decided to leave and take direction Can Massana where you park to make the approach.

At Massana Can we get the appearance of Raimon was no phone but motivated us waiting for parking.

Al mateix pàrking ens posem a tallar les “bobines” de cordes i preparar la logística de la sortida ordenant el material col·lectiu segons la topo de la cavitat i iniciem l’aproximació cap al refugi Agulles – Vincent Barbé (45 my. about)

Once we refuge recent reminders to report technical maneuvers of ascent and descent and we went to the mouth cavity.

This cavity has two chutes top and bottom, in this case access to the bottom where the output is a bit more exposed to the shaft 32m.

Once this well flown, the same shaft continues a well dressed for a casting 16m xulíssima.

On the basis of this well should continue to climb with some small and narrow down a small pit -8m. Then make sure to climb up to the famous well of the beam -25m (anomenat així perquè anys endarrere la instal·lació estava en una biga travessera col·locada sobre el pou en forma de diaclasa)

Having descended the shaft, move opposed by the same diaclasa often obstructed by blocks. From here d', we have the last three wells chains ( -11m -20m i -14m) ending at the famous lake.

At this point I started the crisis and the rise while the rest of the team led by Paco, which opens up the way they decrease the level of -123m.

After photos of rigor is only the harder it up and because the wells are progressive and fatigue accumulates is costly exit.

Poc a poc anem sortint i finalment surt el Bernat que s’encarrega de desinstal·lar la cavitat.

Dir-vos que es tracta d’una cavitat magnífica per les seves formacions i formes peculiars en conglomerat i que a més a més disposa d’unes instal·lacions excel·lents amb químics.

In summary we enjoyed a wonderful day we hope to repeat soon caving, given the small section of "espeleolocos" gradually consolidating.

Here is a small vídeo per a que us feu una idea del magnífic dia que vam passar 😉

26 gener 2015

Refuge Lakes Pera skis 2357m

This weekend announced windy, but we did not want to give up an advantage that the kids are out of turn. The choice was up to the shelter of the Pear Lakes.
Hem sortit de l’aparcament d’Aransa pels volts de les dues per la pista de raqueterus que va paral·lela al Riu del Molí. Once finished the trail enters the woods, where we must be careful not to confuse themselves and reach the hut Pollineres. From here d', follow the route 1 (marked in yellow), so we cut all the corners of the track until we planted the first of Ponds. The wind blows strong and the last meters are a prelude to Sunday's weather will.
2015-01-25 10.32.24-1
Bona teca i molta tranquil·litat. Too bad there is little snow, because both the vault and the Perafita- Monturull, as the ascent to the peak of Estanyols, not seem ideal for getting stressed and down quickly to meet family obligations. Because of this has been possible, windy and cold, We equip and throw down, we expect a magnificent upland rice crosses.
2015-01-25 07.50.56-1
Raimon, Ignatius B, Joan B Imma

22 gener 2015

Pico della Pala in January, 2776

This Sunday we decided to go back to the top we always left dissappointed. Unable to go to the Aran Valley, Andorra is what it seems and looks better after two pamets of fresh snow have remained in perfect condition until Sunday, thanks to subzero temperatures.

mapa track

I am asleep and waiting under the Charles home. Passing through the frosted Segarra all is well, prelude to Andorra and scratches that make no mistake (always below zero) . We equine footwear in the past ten and still some traces that help us through the forest with ease, reaching 2100 m under the shelter of Coms Jan, we turn to the north-east towards the peak Ransol to seek the broad shovel SE and S loops with a few leaves on top. We arrived just when it starts to get the deal announced, windy and cold.

2015-01-18 12.41.10












The descent down the shovel manure heading south enjoying the most, to lose some channels that short stop on the refuge. From here we head west towards the Great Coast, travesas few trees and still looking for a few laps with powder snow to the bottom of the valley where dee cross the river without problem Meners. From here a walk to the car.

2015-01-18 13.47.04-CLOTH

Output great for a day did not promise much in advance.

I've uploaded the track yet (User: raimonserna)

Total ascent climbing 900 m. Total ascent down: 900 m


Raymond and Charles


20 gener 2015
1 Comment

Mountain Ski French Alps

“Not, forecast for powder 27 December in the French Alps. I booked for a heel of Etape 5 the fins 2 January. Which anima?”

Albert Ortega.


28 December

“Thousands of vehicles trapped by snow in the French Alps.”

“A Siberian cold snap threatens to aggravate the chaos in eastern France.” El Periódico de Catalunya

As h! The Savoy missing people!

Loaded with kit ski mountain, wanting to ski, molta il·lusió i un pernil de la Franja ens disposem a passar uns dies just

which has the worst snow storm in the Alps. The goal is clear: All blades can burst. This winter, so far, not been generous and should take nothing from the first to the last snowflake.

With a temperature of -11 degrees equip us in the parking lot of the ski resort of Saint François Longchamp…. Good weather and low temperatures predict a great day. Back una pista, we turn to climb a peak and intermediate initial planning rule: a peak where masses are too many rocks and snow wind. The alternative was clear; Virgin and sunny shovel the left side of the valley. Everything perfect except for an unexpected “shark” that partially destroys a canto of skis Jose. Touch spend the afternoon shopping cofix, tools and doing a little DIY.

Second day. We forget to follow clues and we went to La Grande Chible: peak 2932 m. Encara fa més fred que el primer dia però la neu és excel·lent. Especially in the highest parts where slides: is fleet. Collonuda where the skiing there!

To give a, GoPro and the rest we pay package. It is New Year's Day and we ended the night early to prepare. Yet, we do all that we can track outside the station and the time we left well satisfied. Back in the apartment, a communication problem, Jose, Miquel and I have to wait for the post house more than an hour where we know the friendly Italian neighbors. Italians… New Year's Eve party… us and we have to wake up early… After hearing an extensive summary of the best songs of the last French 30 years, eat grapes and a little later because we are dragging.

The last day, Cris and Ramon take him off. It is engaged in vacuum ben l'passar d'hour, early morning until the Italians can no longer atonyinen wall and blows. Sow misery! We marched to the Aiguilles of Arves and noticed that the weather changes. No longer so cold. Is, fot considerable heat and makes more difficult the asscensió. Note how the plates are broken as we are above. To sort, The terrain is rocky and the snow that makes the risk is minimal. After 1500 vertical meters, reach the top, eat four nonsense and down! The first blade is not quite ampla baixada, dark and snowy. We must be very careful. Once surpassed, when we believe that it was only the easiest, we have a very difficult and tiring snow crust. The Michael and I split evenly wafer Download and Albert and Jose as if nothing.

The next day, temperatures are already above 0 degrees for Jose, Cristina i my, the trip ended. The Ramon, Michael Albert and continue the adventure in Couserans.

We hope you enjoy the video 😉

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