GEPS – Grup Excursionista Santfeliuenc

Sima Pouetons Agulhas - Montserrat


After the discovery of the chasm deluge caving Geologists (espeleodiluvi) where more than one stick a cold , this time played really caving to the advancement of the Acute Pouetons (-123m) under the massive conglomerate of Montserrat to New year is just beginning.


For the expedition contàvem the exploration team formed by Cris, Ramon, Bernat, Raimon, Paco and I (Natxo).

After trying to locate Raymond heaven and earth unsuccessful, thinking that the night has confused the number one ballaruques, Pallejā decided to leave and take direction Can Massana where you park to make the approach.

At Massana Can we get the appearance of Raimon was no phone but motivated us waiting for parking.

Al mateix pàrking ens posem a tallar les “bobines” de cordes i preparar la logística de la sortida ordenant el material col·lectiu segons la topo de la cavitat i iniciem l’aproximació cap al refugi Agulles – Vincent Barbé (45 my. about)

Once we refuge recent reminders to report technical maneuvers of ascent and descent and we went to the mouth cavity.

This cavity has two chutes top and bottom, in this case access to the bottom where the output is a bit more exposed to the shaft 32m.

Once this well flown, the same shaft continues a well dressed for a casting 16m xulíssima.

On the basis of this well should continue to climb with some small and narrow down a small pit -8m. Then make sure to climb up to the famous well of the beam -25m (anomenat així perquè anys endarrere la instal·lació estava en una biga travessera col·locada sobre el pou en forma de diaclasa)

Having descended the shaft, move opposed by the same diaclasa often obstructed by blocks. From here d', we have the last three wells chains ( -11m -20m i -14m) ending at the famous lake.

At this point I started the crisis and the rise while the rest of the team led by Paco, which opens up the way they decrease the level of -123m.

After photos of rigor is only the harder it up and because the wells are progressive and fatigue accumulates is costly exit.

Poc a poc anem sortint i finalment surt el Bernat que s’encarrega de desinstal·lar la cavitat.

Dir-vos que es tracta d’una cavitat magnífica per les seves formacions i formes peculiars en conglomerat i que a més a més disposa d’unes instal·lacions excel·lents amb químics.

In summary we enjoyed a wonderful day we hope to repeat soon caving, given the small section of "espeleolocos" gradually consolidating.

Here is a small vídeo per a que us feu una idea del magnífic dia que vam passar 😉

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