GEPS – Grup Excursionista Santfeliuenc

20 December 2014

1to foquejada season!

Cantos sharp, arrenjades soles and leather and waxed well glued, motivation and desire… had all the ingredients needed and no more sauce to tie it all together and dress, la new. So, Sunday the day 14 some hunchbacks went to the area to make a good Valter rutilla brand new season. Pic Women, Bacivers and Bastiments, 1300m of ascent, new dura, very hard, but above all we had a great!

Here us Deixem the last installment of humps PRODUCTIONS que va augmentant la seva col·lecció.

Until next time!

1 December 2014
by mariamassuet

3Nocturnal humps in orienteering-O_Classificacions

Here's CLASSIFIACIÓ the 3rd Night Orienteering in Sant Feliu de Llobregat!

Ranking 3rd night race – GEPS

With almost 100 participants, attends first season Nocturnes-O 2014-2015 has been a success. Two different circuits (one long and one short) allowed the runners to enjoy the most inhospitable places around the Moro Rock. Fortunately this year the weather was kinder than previous years and we enjoy a mild and pleasant night. In addition, the end of the race as we expected a few supplies, where the beer was very well received by all runners!

A round race would not have been possible without the involvement of Bernard Castles and Marta Amigo, the organizing team, who hold more than 3 hours between arrival and registration!

Many thanks to the organization and all those who did participate! L’any que ve a per la 4a!

30 November 2014

Espeleo GEPS

There is nothing better than a dij0us humps and a few bottles of wine for the emergence of a planazo!

Thus began the first organized humps out Espel, directed and orchestrated by one of the latest additions official (as it was of unofficial) our Hiking Center, the NATXO.

So, we are in 9:00 Bar Casino Vallirana, table 10 reserved, steak sandwiches, cafes, projector and lecture! How did the curra Natxo! After 4 basics head towards the Cave of Geologists in Vallirana. We prepare material, Gore not as missing for a while already raining relentlessly, and worse, All forecasts indicate that it will not stop all day.

Ens apropem a l’Avenc de 23m de profunditat que compta amb unes instal·lacions excel·lents. Latest instructions and all down! Stop here if per, Dressler there, Croll al pit, the foot pedal… although most are connoisseurs of the mountain and different techniques with ropes, the use of new materials and devices always require a time of learning and adaptció.

Once all down well arrasserats refrigerators, We have to overcome the 23m rope separating us from the surface.

The day could not finish better, the Natxo invites us to his house to make rice with mushrooms and vegetables that I'm getting prepared with love between Quintus and snacks. A Natxarans to digest the feast and conjures for us this is the first of more explorations in the underworld.

Thanks Natxo, thanks to all / as!

How could it be otherwise here is second production NEWLY released humps PRODUCTIONS 😉

27 November 2014
1 Comment

Col·lectiva Escalada GEPS 2014

Good again!

Com tots sabeu aquest cap de setmana passat vam fer la ja clàssica Col·lectiva d’Escalada de GEPS. A few intrepid escladors spent a couple of days climbing, eating, Drinking and laughing all together.

Here us deixo the Video link to enjoy the!

STAGE 2014, her joke, the fotos

16 November 2014 geps | 0 comments

A year members of the humps have started the course with the Stage. This time we repeated target, Vilanova de Prades, has been a change in the number of new children who have been! In total we joined a group of 47 people, which 13 future hunchbacks were.

It all starts Saturday 25 October, some stayed in the 7:30 against Barca to go to breakfast together Valleys. We have a table 20 reserved, and everyone started to order drinks and snacks. It seems a simple thing, but it is complicated when the light of local motion, then the ingredients of the sandwiches we were expecting beginning to fade because it can be cut with the machine, or cheese, ni bacon, we can not repeat cafes J But we are a well organized group, everything can be solved and how to fill bellies!

We left the bar and we separated into two groups, some were in the gazebo barranquejar, others were climbing in Montral. Behind sell our family groups, some earlier, others later. After everyone enjoyed their activities, we meet again in the campsite Vilanova de Prades see the Madrid-Barça! Yes, Hikers are, but also many large futboleros!

Needless to say, i tot the general roll bon, the score will be glad pm, but within the group serves as the emergence of a new species, the Madrilenyo!! Yes, yes, Paco has extremely her 3-1, three fingers will accompany the rest of the weekend…

Ara ja toca instal·lar-se i fer el retrobament general per sopar. What joy to see so many people happy and laughing! It's time to share the experiences and stories of the day.

Having recovered energy we prepare for the night game. We started with a very musical activity, where small guide to find all the great sounds of the instruments that have a card. These children are some cracks! Those are all! Then we do group activities, individuals, we have to mime, test the cohesion and ability… At the end is bedtime for a few, the rest begin fiestuqui Night.

Are 8:00 Sunday, and have even been able to sleep for a little more time change, a few have difficulty getting up, Breakfast and… go looking for mushrooms and some others to take a trip to the area. Everyone ends up also a fair return for the chestnut before enjoying vermutet. While some others take some Olivet clean and prepare all mushrooms found.

Oh, and hora de dinar, share a barbecue together with the exquisite accompaniment of mushrooms and mushroom. And this drive with full belly does not feel too good, Before leaving we play the 3rd game of football intergeps.

Once more, geperuts, Gepeto humpback and we shared a weekend full of laughter and activities! Until next time!!

Video with photos’stage geps 2014

16 November 2014

3Guidance on Race-O Nocturnal humps

Guiding, oreintadros, 3rd Race Guidance Noturna of humps has come, and start as usual, Furthermore ¡, serves to open the season-O Night.

So you can either load the batteries in the front, remove the drawer in search of the compass and Health will hopefully. Here are the details of the race.

Data: Wednesday 19 November 2014
Front, Departures and arrivals: reception from 19pm. Of 19:15 20pm to be out alone. The remainder, mass start at 20pm.
Time limit for arrival at 22h. From this hour will start out the markers. Solid and liquid refreshment on arrival.
Layouts: Tommi Tölkkö.
The goals are reflective sticks with traditional clamp (NO white and orange triangular pennant).
Circuit curt: score a escala 7500.
Long circuit: score a escala 10000.
The difference between 2 circuits and l'escala (more detail the short) and the number of goals (much more in the long run). The goals to be shared 2 circuits, so that the technical difficulty is the same. Yes, to have more goals in the long run will have to make a good choice of the route to complete all.
Meeting place:
Picnic area in the chapel of Health, Sant Feliu de Llobregat.
Map: Moro Rock (GEPS i FCOC) Updated 2011 (Tommi Tölkkö). Scale 1:7500 i 1:10000, equidistance 5m.
Registration: Email orientacio.geps @ indicating name and circuit. Registration until Monday 17 23h.
Price: 4€ payable on site race. 2€ members of the humps. Free for participants under 18 years. Includes appetizers and snacks.
The organization does not provide the maps or plastic covers in case of rain.

10 November 2014

Only for Christmas + 6th Mountain Photography Competition

Good again!

As you know the temperatures drop, Snow and ice begins to make an appearance (a little late this year), Let them be sought piolos, encerem skis, In short winter approaching and with it all that it offers. To welcome you we can not miss our annual meeting of Christmas dinner and 6th Competition forografia Mountain.


We attach the concurs bases and to sign up for the dinner and we will contact you shortly. For now book date 12 December

Concurs RULES

Send 3 photo (minimum 2 Megapixels) and choose the category that is presented each, indicant el title of the photographs have been and where, your name, direction, eletronic phone and email.Categories:

  • Humps in Action: Photos related activity hiker and / or sports: mountaineering, escalation, BTT, trekking, via ferrata, Kayak, canyoning, curses, raids, etc.
  • NATURE: Photographs generally related to the natural environment, which can not include any person portrayed.
A On??

* E-mail to:
* CD or USB memory at the headquarters of humps


Fins al 21/11/2014
(For more information please read the rules)

Concurs Bases
1) ParticipantsPodrà participate any member of @ humps.

2) Categories and themes

The overall theme of this contest is to photograph all aspects: humans, Sports, natural, etc. There will be two different categories:

Humps in Action: Photos related activity hiker and / or sports: mountaineering, escalation, BTT, trekking, via ferrata, Kayak, canyoning, curses, raids, etc.
NATURE: Photographs generally related to the natural environment, which can not include any person portrayed.

3) Works

Each participant may submit a maximum of 3 works and choose the category you want to present them. Photo may only be submitted in one category. Photographs must be original and must not have been awarded in other contests.

The organizers reserve the right to exclude competition works that have been deemed, the discretion of the jury, highly manipulated.

The works remain the property of the authors and humps in cede their rights, to reproduce the image and make use as it sees fit.

4) Prizes

There will be prizes according to the following category:

1Filed r humps IN ACTION
2No humps Filed in Action
3Filed r humps IN ACTION

5) Format

Photographs may be in color or black and white. JPG and have a minimum resolution of 2 Megapixels.

The organizing committee received photos automatically discarded that do not have the required quality, since there is no guarantee that the print quality required to have exposed the.

6) Delivery

The deadline for delivery of the photographs will be 21 November 2014

* E-mail to:

* CD or USB memory at the headquarters of humps (Ateneo Santfeliuenc C / Vidal Shores,23-25) every Thursday except holidays from 20:30 a 21:30h

Both the CD / USB and emails will include the name is, direction, phone, email, title and the photos have been taken place in the category and presented.

7) Jury

The jury will be composed of persons of worth in the world of photography and art connoisseurs and mountain. • The verdict is final appeal. The names of the jury members will be announced on the awards. The jury may declare any awards. The jury may resolve any circumstances not covered by these rules, • appeal is final and.

8) Verdict and Exhibition

The verdict and the award ceremony will take place on the Christmas dinner of the organization (12 December 2014). The photos will be exhibited from the 12 December 2014 until (date to be determined) Bar at the Ateneo de Sant Feliu de Llobregat.

9) Responsibilities

Participants will be responsible that no rights of third parties and the entries that you can not make claims to image rights. Also be responsible for claims that may arise entities • Intellectual property rights Intellectual, to which participants may be assigned.

10) Bases

Participation in this photo contest implies acceptance of these rules.

The competition organizers reserve the right to modify any basis for this announcement, particularly regarding the dates of the exhibition and the verdict. En tot cas, Warned in advance of any changes via the website of the organization.

3 October 2014

New season 2014-2015

Again we retorbat after a summer full of adventure, Travel, Climbing, pedaling, many races and especially, many mountain.

After the annual meeting of the academic year beginning arose a lot of activities to do and here we leave the sum of these. Needless to say, we are happy to receive new proposals, new ideas and as always we are still finding every Thursday from 20:30

No volem deixar passar l’ocasió per animar-vos a publicar totes aquelles activitats que aneu realitzant per tal de tenir el blog del centre més actiu -el tenim una mica oblidat 🙁

ACTIVITIES 2014-2015

– Stage of principi season. We are looking to go in Vilanova de Prades the weekend 25-26 October (coinciding with the fair Chestnut)

Col·lectiva d’escalada. November

– Organization in the league race night orientation. November

– Contest photos and Christmas dinner. 12 December

Col·lectiva d’hivern. January-February.

Col·lectiva d’esquí de fons. January-February.

– Race taps. 12 April

– Collective of ravines. June-July

A project of:
Formed from:
In collaboration with: - Organizations and volunteers for a better world